
Showing posts from February, 2012

Eye Doctors: The Difference Between Optometrists and Ophthalmologists

The terms Optometrist and Ophthalmologist sound so similar. For those who don't speak our dorky eye language it can be difficult to differentiate between the two. This article will attempt to describe the differences and similarities between these professions. Let me start by saying this post intends to only highlight the educational background of these two professions. I do not intend take anything away from either profession. Every individual practitioner Optometrist or Ophthalmologist has their own unique skill set and billing schedule. For this blog, I will only discuss general trends of each profession. Optometrists are similar to a primary care physician for the eyes, or the Doctor you see on a yearly basis for your physical. Most Ophthalmologists are surgeons, who specialize in different surgeries for the eye. The greatest skill Optometrists possess is in the art of refraction (the 1 or 2 test) and concepts for prescribing glasses and contacts. In their education, Optome...

Medical History

A copy of the medical history form for our office can be downloaded and printed here. A lot of information is required for this form. It is a bit annoying to fill out, but all of the information does serve a purpose. Your name, address, phone number and identification numbers are required for your insurance company to pay for the eye exam. Also, this information is used to communicate with your primary care Doctor or other specialist (such as a retinal specialist) in the event of an emergency. Medical History is a comprehensive listing of any medical conditions a patient or their family may have. Proper function of the eye is significantly affected by the health of the rest of the body. Also, certain signs identified in a patient's eye can indicate various systemic conditions. Many health conditions can be linked to genetics. For genetic conditions, when one family member has a condition, this represents increased risk of this condition for other family members. Symptoms are ...