The Dreaded Air Puff Test
Why do patients have to suffer through the air puff test? What is it measuring? Is there an easier way to get this measurement? For many patients the dreaded air puff test is the most dreaded part of the eye exam. You're left sitting there in suspense and the moment you relax - BAM! - you're blasted by a shot of air right in the eye. The Eye Doctor isn't trying to torture you. The air puff test is done to measure the pressure in the eye to see if there is risk of vision loss from glaucoma or vascular occlusion. Eye pressure is a measure of fluid pressure in the eye. Aqueous humor is the fluid that causes pressure to be high or low. If aqueous is over produced and/or not drained fast enough from the eye the result is a high eye pressure. Low eye pressure results from under production and/or over drainage of aqueous. Gonioscopy is done to examine the drainage structures in patients with abnormal eye pressure. Eye pressure is a necessary thing, but when the pressure is t...